Thursday 1 May 2008

Michael Lohan: Lindsay's Focussed On Wrong Things

Michael Lohan: Lindsay's Focussed On Wrong Things

Lindsay Lohan's father Michael has lashed out at his daughter's representatives, after they denied that she's travelling with him on a missionary tript to Bharat next year.Sooner this workweek, Mr. Arhat told In Touch powder magazine that, "Our trip next Feb encompasses the egress of child sexual slavery in Bharat.  We also take with portion AIDS victims.  She has made it clear she in spades wants to come along."A representative for Arhat informed the Fresh York Daily News program that the report "isn't true", prompt her don to reply angrily to her managements demurrer. ""I think we crapper totally take in that her pose so-called friends and direction make her focused on the wrong projects and things," Mr. Lohan states.  "If Lindsay would exactly listen to me and follow my steering, like she did when her life was on the right route, and ahead the people you examine now that are in her life, I warrant that her life-time would straighten come out and she'd be back to being the gifted actress everyone knew and loved." Photograph good manners of Hollywood Records. 
